• Attention: Healers, Coaches, Spiritual Business Women & Entrepreneurs



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    → Are you a spiritual woman who intuitively knows that you are on this earth with a unique soul purpose to help heal the planet but not sure how to start?


    → Do you have a dream or vision that's been dormant and you know deep within your soul you're ready to manifest that in the world but need some support?


    → Are you afraid to trust your intuition for fear of being judged for your spiritual gifts?


    → Do you crave to create more peace, joy and freedom in your life and the life of others?

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    If you've answered 'yes' to one or more of the above questions, and you're ready to fully share your gifts, expand your energy and co-create with Source, find out what it would look like to work 1:1 together here:



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    Jen gained more clarity in moving forward in her business with confidence!

    I loved the connection and support throughout the process with Bessie. Especially surrounding the healing that occurs during the hypnosis sessions. The hypnosis sessions were deeply powerful for me emotionally and energetically. They helped me connect to the reasons behind what I am doing, why, and what my obstacles are. Bessie is amazing to work with. So supportive, intuitive and available for the growth and healing needed to pursue your passion or purpose. Her work will change the way you view yourself and give you more clarity on how to move forward with confidence."


    ~ Jen Nichol, Oahu, HI 

  • Kimber knows that she can now manage her energy and thoughts!

  • Shift your energetic blocks to create the deep transformation you crave in your business and life.


    Begin by taking my Chakra Alignment Quiz to find out which energy center is currently off balance.

    After taking the quiz, sign up for your FREE discovery call. In this 30-minute session, I will provide an Intuitive Energy Scan from the results of your chakra quiz and introduce you to the optimized program for you to create the deep spiritual transformation you crave in your business and life.

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    🌹 Hello! I'm Bessie Estonactoc, Spiritual Coach, Healer & Hypnotherapist for spiritual business women, coaches and healers.


    After having a private practice as a therapist on Oahu for 20 years serving hundreds of clients, I am now focused on working with helping business wome and women entrepreneurs amplify their soul's calling so that they can courageously show up, be visible, share their intuitive gifts and be a beacon of light for others.


    I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work and a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology. I have certifications in: Yoga Teacher Training, Spiritual Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression Therapy, Advanced Heart Centered Hypnotherapy, Personal Transformation Life Coaching, Mediumship & Psychic Studies, Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki and Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki.


    I now combine my traditional education with my spiritual training using hypnotherapy, energy and intuitive gifts to support clents in transforming their life. My passion is to help women bridge the gap between the psychological and spiritual parts of their life to help create freedom, expansion and peace.


    I live on the beautiful Central Coast of California and work with clients world-wide. 🌹