→ Are you feeling fears of what others might say and/or not feel worthy enough due to past life persecutions?
→ Are you being overwhelmed empathically due to lack of energetic boundaries?
→ Do you hold yourself back in BEING VISIBLE and FEELING WORTHY in attracting clients, thus your income is not consistent or at the level you are truly desiring?
→ Are you fed up with GIVING AWAY your best work for free or for a lower investment (doing 1:1 sessions only or low priced packages) because you feel that others may not be able to afford your work, or feel as if it is too much pressure for you?
If the answer is YES to one or more of the above questions, then you are going to LOVE what this program can transform and deliver to you!!!
What if I could show
you a way:
🌹 To feel a sense of empowerment because you’re following your inner nudges?
🌹 To feel grounded and confident to be more visible?
🌹 Heal your past and past lives so you are courageous and offer your deeper gifts and talents without the fears of rejections, pers ecution and/or humiliation.
🌹Feel joy and victory in your life – know you can accomplish anything if you put your mind, body and spirit to it.
🌹 FINALLY – trusting BEING YOU and sharing yourself fully with your greatest gifts in the world to attract high paying clients!!!
Here's what you'll learn in this 7-week group program:
1. Understand how to transform your energy blocks of what does not serve you and step into your aligned energy of courage and power.
2. Learn to be calm to connect with your infinite inner wisdom and light.
3. A past life regression session that can 'connects the breadcrumbs' to your present life challenge.
4. Learn how the energy of the chakras hold old programs from your life and past life that are affecting your mindset.
5. Heal your DNA strand and clear your energy field so your field is more clean and clear.
6. Heal your genetic lines using past life regression.
7. Heal your karmic wheel.
8. Back to the future - visualizing your future to step into the future you desire.
Next round of this program begins February 2023. Stay tuned!!!
By saying YES to this program, you are saying YES to your soul to create the transformation you've desired by:
Weekly repetition and consistent focus on clearing your visiblity and worthiness blocks, creating a vision and taking Divine action to attract your clients.
Rewiring your thought patterns so that your thinking and actions are in harmony of the business you desire.
Intentionally showing up which allows for real transformation in the weekly deep dive immersions in this unique program.
Briefly moving you out of your routine, allowing you to go deep into transformation and create big momentum, big breakthroughs!
Knowing that YOU have the ability to transform the energy of your thoughts and when you do become off center, you have empowerment tools in your tool box come back to center to shift and take inspired action.
This program is valued at $5000.00.
Your cost:
Option 1 Cost: $1997.OO
You save $3003.00
Pay in full with one payment
BONUS: Includes one session with me which can be used any time during the program or one month after completion of the program.
Option 2 Cost: $2331.00
You save $2669.00
Payment plan with 3 monthly payments of $777
You'll receive recordings from each class and separate audios of the meditations and hypnosis sessions for you to listen to whenever you are inspired.
Imagine walking away with:
✔ Trusting your innate wisdom so you can flow through your day with ease in your life, work and relationships.
✔ Knowing you are ENOUGH/AMAZING/PERFECT because you’ve had life experience and the training and can show up to sell and share your gifts with your community.
✔ You’re making an abundance of money in your work and in life because you are trusting your inner knowing.
✔ You’re focused and taking inspired action on ways to authentically sell your gifts, and clients are investing in you because of your authenticity.
✔ Your fears are cleared and you're on your way to bring in abundance in your life and business AND attracting high paying clients.
🌹 Hello! I'm Bessie Estonactoc, Spiritual Coach, Healer & Hypnotherapist for spiritual business women, coaches and healers.
I have been in the field of human behavior for more than 20 years and am now focused working with helping entrepreneurs clear visibility and worthiness fears that stem from this life or past lives that's holding them back from attracting clients and creating financial abundance.
I hold a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology and certifications in: Yoga Teacher Training, Advanced Heart Centered Hypnotherapy, Personal Transformation Life Coaching, Mediumship & Psychic Studies, Holy Fire Usui Reiki and Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki.
I now combine my traditional education with my spiritual training using energy and mindset tools to support others in transforming their life.
I live on the beautiful Central Coast of California and work with clients world-wide. 🌹
Powerful Results
She's on an amazing path!
"My past life regression session was so amazing! I went in with an open mind about the session but kept thinking I wouldn’t get a lot out of it, since I thought my issues were solely in the present moment. Boy, was I wrong! I went to a totally unexpected timeframe and found I was running away from danger.
I realized that was the same feeling I was having in the here and now!! Bessie was able to help me overcome the fear, face it and move on to the here and now while letting go of the need to run away. She made me realize I’m in a loving, safe environment now and that it’s time to reach out and help others. Thank you Bessie!! I’d still be wandering around in the dark without your help!!"
~ Sherrie S., Oahu, HI
She has broken that vow!
“Grateful, Grateful, Grateful! I have had past life regression session done before and was expecting the same or similar result. Nope, it was totally different. I was so AMAZED at the technique that Bessie used.Being intuitive myself, I was taken to a level that blew my thoughts. I was able to see why I made a choice in my life at the young age of 10 or 11. I witnessed myself saying what I wanted when I grow up. I spoke my life then as it is now by the power of words that I didn’t even realize what I was saying. I look back now seeing it with wisdom and knowledge.I also was able to see where I made the second mistake that had me living that life in the present.I am very pleased with the outcome. And have since BROKEN THAT VOW. Bessie thank you for the stroll, way back down memory of Past Lives."I Love and Appreciate you BessieRechelle Turner - Nichols, Florissant, MOShe's trusting her inner voice!
"I recently left corporate life to work for independent firms and decided to start my own firm. Because I knew the amount of responsibility added to me becoming firm’s president in addition to the responsibilities of wife and mother, I wanted to take my abilities to the next level.
Having been in my industry for 20+ years I knew I had the intellectual capacity. I wanted to be equipped emotionally and spiritually. Through my coaching and hypnotherapy work with Bessie, I got just that.
Now I understand the true meaning of “being enough.” I have the mental, emotional and spiritual energy to bring my best me forward in every sense of the word. I bring that energy to my work and my family.
Bessie has given me to tools to know how to tap into my inner voice and understand what it feels like in my body when it feels right and when to be cautious. I am one month into independence and have closed the same amount of clients I did in the previous year. My pipeline is full of new prospects AND it didn’t take any time away from my family. Thanks Bessie!"
~ C.D., San Jose, CA
She has more clarity on how to move forward!
"I had the opportunity to be a part of the “Nurturing Your Soul Purpose’ program with the hypnosis and past life regression work with Bessie. I was struggling to feel worthy of the work I am trying to do. To accept that it is of value and not just a silly pastime or hobby. Feeling valid and feeling like I do have something to offer that is of value to others.
The top three results I got out of the program was a greater sense of purpose, validation, clarification and trust in myself and my purpose. I feel a greater sense of needing to keep working and not give up. I feel less attached to the outcome and more attached to the why!!
Bessie is amazing to work with. So supportive, intuitive and available for the growth and healing needed to pursue your passion or purpose. Her work will change the way you view yourself and give you more clarity on how to move forward with confidence."
~ Jen Nichol, Oahu, HI
I would love to work with you!
© 2023