

    BE Unstoppable in 2023!!!

  • Did you know that the number 7 is a very powerful number and that 2023 equals the number 7?


    According to the ‘Joanne Sacred Scribes – Angel Numbers’ website here are some words that popped for me that I wanted to share with you about Angel Number 7:


    🌟 Resonates with the vibrations and energies of the ‘Collective Consciousness’

    🌟 Faith and spirituality

    🌟 Spiritual awakening and awareness

    🌟 Spiritual enlightenment

    🌟 Spiritual acceptance and development, mysticism, intuition and inner-knowing, inner wisdom

    🌟 Manifesting and manifestation in time and space.

    🌟 Angel Number 7 tells of a beneficial time with obstacles overcome and successes realized.

  • It’s time to step into the powerful, beautiful light that you are so that you can create the successes in mind, body and spirit that you’d like to realize in 2023. You ARE a part of the ‘collective consciousness’.

  • As a Spiritual Life Coach and Hypnotherapist, I love working 1:1 with Spiritual Business Women to help them access the subconscious, old beliefs and stories that are getting in the way of their peace, inner knowing, and soul purpose.

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  • If you are:


    Feeling anxious, worried, or stressed and want more balance in your life


    Wanting to heal the past, clear and resolve ‘stories’ that no longer serves you


    Seeking to achieve a greater sense of soul purpose and clarity in life


    Wishing to courageously trust your inner knowing and strengthen the spiritual, beautiful soul that you are


    Ready to manage stressors to live fully in the present moment without creating distractions that don’t serve you (i.e., any addictive behaviors such as eating, tv, shopping), then ……

  • I have an AMAZING offer for you!


    Take my FREE Chakra Alignment Quiz and sign up for the consultation at the end. During the consultation, I will work with you on a specific challenge you’re experiencing, then you’ll receive some intuitive tips from me on how activate and balance the identified chakra from your quiz to help create more peace and calm within. (VALUED AT $250.00) https://lnk.quizzes.cx/chakra-quiz-with-bessie


    After your consultation, schedule a 1 ½ hour hypnotherapy session to go deeper to identify an old childhood story that is causing feelings of fear or anxiety so that you can heal what no longer serves you. I will support in you to consciously create a new transformative story so that moment by moment in your day, you can tap into your new story with conviction and belief! (Valued at $500.00)


    After your hypnotherapy session, schedule a 60-minute coaching session with me to integrate #1 and #2 sessions above to begin to take inspired action to consciously amplify and activate an important vision and dream you want to manifest in 2023. (Valued at $450.00)

  • Total Retail value: $1200.00

    Cost to you: $377.00 (YOU SAVE $823.00!!!)

    This amazing offer is good until December 15, 2022, so you’ll need to schedule and pay for your hypnotherapy & coaching sessions by midnight December 15, 2022.


    You can choose dates in December 2022 or January 2023 that you’d like to meet for your hypnotherapy and coaching session but schedule in December 2022 with me for your Chakra Alignment Consultation.


    If you want to find out if this special offer is a fit for you, let’s connect. You can contact me via email at wishwithbessie@gmail.com with any questions you have.

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    "Life is a journey, not a destination," and I’d like to support you in your journey with the above offer to help start to launch you into 2023 with more intention.


    BE UNSTOPPABLE in 2023!!